Sunday, 4 September 2011

Bill 131

Do not be fooled by Children's Aid reports claiming enough oversight exists because it doesn't. Ask the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario, The Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth both of whom are Officers answering directly to the Legislature and any of the 18 Ontario MPP's supporting Children's Aid Society oversight. Now read the top left box of the Children's Aid complaint brochure. You can plainly see what can't be reviewed and how limited complaints can be. Requests for Oversight are reasonable, not attacks on good social workers or attempts to close Children's Aid Societies. Oversight will ensure safer, accountable and transparent Child protection services across Ontario and in some cases lead to criminal investigations. They have been entrusted to regulate themselves and these Non-governmental organizations (private corporations) have failed miserably.

What could the Ombudsman do? The Ontario Ombudsman could investigate decisions or recommendations by Ontario's Children's Aid Societies (C.A.S.). In many cases they would expose 'real facts' often hidden to protect the credibility and mistakes of those involved. It's been proven in Ontario Courts and Inquests that innocent parents have been imprisoned based on malicious or false allegations filed by Children's Aid Societies or their 'hired Guns'. But worse yet, those children can become permanent crown wards. 

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